How to Overcome Interview Anxiety

Attius Li- Author
Atticus Li
May 7, 2024
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Feeling nervous before a job interview is common. This worry can affect how well you perform and the impression you leave. Our guide offers proven effective ways to overcome interview anxiety, making you ready to shine in your next interview.

Keep reading for success tips.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Interview Anxiety
  2. Tips for Overcoming Interview Anxiety Before the Interview
  3. Techniques to Overcome Interview Anxiety
  4. Strategies for After the Interview
  5. Additional Resources for Managing Interview Anxiety
  6. Frequently Asked Questions About Interview Anxiety

Understanding Interview Anxiety

Interview anxiety is a common experience for many people. It's important to acknowledge and manage this feeling to approach interviews with confidence and composure.

Normalising the Anxiety

Feeling nervous before a job interview is more common than most people think. Many job seekers experience these feelings of apprehension, and acknowledging this can help reduce the stigma around it.

Realising that you're not alone in feeling jittery can be comforting and is the first step towards managing these emotions effectively.

To handle interview anxiety, recognising it as a normal reaction to a high-pressure situation is key. This understanding allows individuals to approach their nervousness with kindness rather than criticism.

Techniques like deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk, and mindfulness are practical tools in transforming this anxious energy into focused preparation for the interview.

Rationalising Fears and Perspectives

After learning to view interview anxiety as a common experience, it's vital to tackle the fears and thoughts that fuel this nervousness. One effective method is to rationalise one's fears by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable thoughts.

For example, the dread of not answering a question perfectly can be countered by understanding that interviewers expect honesty and are often impressed by candidates who admit they don't have all the answers but are willing to learn.

Rationalising fears means changing how we see our worries, turning mountains back into molehills.

This shift in perspective involves embracing a growth mindset, where challenges in interviews are seen as chances for personal development rather than insurmountable barriers. By considering feedback from past interviews as valuable information for improvement rather than criticism, candidates can change their approach towards future job interview opportunities with increased self-confidence and less anxiety.

Engaging in relaxation techniques before an interview or practicing positive self-talk can also transform one’s mental state from anxious to empowered.

Tips for Overcoming Interview Anxiety Before the Interview

Before the interview, conduct thorough research on the company and practice a dress rehearsal. Encourage yourself with positive self-talk, visualise successful outcomes, and give yourself pep talks to boost confidence.

Extensive Company Research

Doing your homework on the company before a job interview sets you up for success. Start by exploring their website to understand their goals, culture, and recent achievements. This helps you tailor your responses in the interview.

Knowing the company's history and how they stand out in their industry can impress hiring managers. Use social media sites like LinkedIn to learn about projects they are proud of.

Next, look at news articles or press releases for any recent events involving the company. This step shows your genuine interest and preparation, making a strong impression on those interviewing you.

Being familiar with their challenges and successes prepares you to discuss how you can contribute positively. Now that you've done extensive research on the company, focus on rehearsing how you'll dress for the big day.

Dress Rehearsal

A complete dress rehearsal can lower your stress before an interview. This means picking out what you will wear, making sure it is clean and fits well, and even planning how you will get to the location on time.

It's like a practice run that prepares you for the real thing, so when the day comes, you're not scrambling or surprised by last-minute hitches.

Confidence comes from preparation, and a big part of that is knowing exactly what you'll wear and how you'll get there.

Use this practice to also rehearse answers to common questions and work on your body language. Stand in front of a mirror or record yourself to see how you present yourself. Focus on maintaining good eye contact and use positive gestures that show confidence, like power poses.

Feeling good about how you look boosts your self-assurance because when your outer appearance matches the professional image in your head, it's one less thing to worry about on interview day.

Encouraging Self-Talk

Encouraging self-talk involves using positive affirmations and empowering statements to boost confidence and reduce anxiety. By reminding oneself of past achievements and strengths, individuals can cultivate a more positive mindset leading up to an interview.

Using phrases like "I am well-prepared" or "I have valuable skills to offer" can help shift the focus away from negative thoughts and towards a more constructive outlook. 

Research has shown that self-affirmation can lead to improved performance in high-pressure situations, making it an effective tool for managing interview anxiety.

Visualisation of Success

Visualisation is a powerful technique that can help ease interview anxiety. By imagining yourself in a successful job interview, you can boost your confidence and reduce stress. Creating a detailed mental picture of the interview going well, alongside repeating positive affirmations about your capabilities, can help shift your mindset from fear to optimism.

demeanour.This practice aligns with the concepts of meditation and personal growth, promoting a more positive outlook and calm demeanor. Visualising success before an important event like a job interview falls under the realm of sport psychology and self-care practices, all aimed at enhancing mental readiness for challenges like interviews.

Pep Talks

When feeling nervous about an upcoming interview, giving yourself pep talks can make a significant difference. Pep talks involve using positive affirmations and encouraging self-talk to boost confidence and calm nerves.

Reminding yourself of your strengths and capabilities through these talks can help shift your mindset from anxiety to empowerment, ultimately setting the stage for a successful interview.

Licenced professionals recommend incorporating keywords such as "I am prepared," "I am qualified," or "I am confident" in your pep talk routine to reinforce positivity and self-assurance.

Techniques to Overcome Interview Anxiety

Calm your nerves during the interview by using role-playing, power posing, interrupting negative thoughts, being yourself, changing perspective, taking a moment to breathe, and using a mantra.

Role-Playing Interviews

Role-playing interviews provide an opportunity for individuals to practice and improve their interview skills in a simulated setting. This technique allows them to receive constructive feedback on their performance, helping to boost confidence and reduce anxiety before the actual interview.

By simulating different scenarios and practicing responses, job seekers can refine their communication, articulate their accomplishments, and work through challenging questions in a supportive environment.

Moreover, role-playing interviews enable individuals to anticipate various types of questions and prepare thoughtful, well-structured responses. This practice not only helps in calming nerves but also enhances overall preparedness for the real interview.

Power Posing

Power posing, a technique linked to reducing nervousness during interviews, involves assuming body postures that convey confidence and power. Standing tall with shoulders back or taking up space at the interview table positively impacts hormone levels and reduces stress.

Research indicates that adopting expansive poses for just a few minutes before an interview can lead to increased feelings of power and decreased anxiety. Incorporating power posing into your pre-interview routine can help boost self-assurance and improve overall performance during this critical process.

Additionally, practicing power poses in private moments before the interview may help regulate adrenaline levels, leading to enhanced composure and better control over nervous energy.

Interrupting Negative Thoughts

Transitioning from power posing to interrupting negative thoughts, it's essential to acknowledge the impact of our internal dialogue during interviews. Challenging and reframing negative thoughts can greatly alleviate anxiety and improve performance.

One effective technique is to quickly identify a negative thought, then replace it with a positive or neutral one. It helps to focus on past successes and strengths while reminding oneself that nervousness is common before an interview.

Additionally, simple affirmations or mantras such as "I am prepared" or "I am confident" can counteract self-doubt.

Being Yourself

Authenticity is crucial in interviews. Showcasing your genuine self, along with respect and professionalism, leaves a lasting impression on hiring managers. Being sincere and true to yourself are key aspects of the interview process.

Hiring managers prioritise candidates who bring their authentic selves to the table, as this reflects how they will engage in the workplace if hired.

Hiring managers emphasise that being authentic during job interviews is vital; it's about showing up as the same person you'll be on day one of the job. Your authenticity helps create a connection with interviewers and sets you apart from other candidates who may be trying to present an artificial image.

Changing Perspective

When feeling anxious during an interview, shifting your perspective can be a powerful tool for managing nerves. Instead of seeing the interview as a daunting interrogation, try to reframe it as a conversation where you have valuable experiences and skills to share.

Recognising that the interviewer is also seeking the right fit for their team can alleviate some pressure. Embracing a mindset of curiosity and openness can help you approach the interview with more confidence.

Moreover, understanding that everyone experiences nerves before interviews is key; it's normal! By acknowledging this, you can let go of any negative self-talk and focus on showcasing your authentic self and qualifications.

Taking a Moment to Breathe

As you progress through the interview, remember to take a moment to breathe. Deep breaths can help calm your nerves and ground you in the present. This is an effective technique for managing physical responses to anxiety, which Lili Foggle often recommends.

When practiced consistently, taking deep breaths before and during an interview can diminish arousal levels and promote a sense of calmness. This strategy aligns with other relaxation techniques that aim to reduce job interview stress.

By incorporating this simple action into your preparatory routine, you can bolster your confidence and composure as you navigate the complexities of the interview process.

Using a Mantra

During the interview, using a mantra can help calm nerves and boost confidence. Simply repeating a positive phrase or affirmation can provide reassurance and focus, helping to shift mindset from self-doubt to self-assurance.

For instance, affirmations like "I am prepared and capable" or "I have valuable skills to offer" can instill a sense of empowerment and composure.

Implementing a mantra during an interview aligns with scientific research highlighting the power of positive self-talk in reducing anxiety. Studies have shown that individuals who use affirmations experience lower levels of stress and greater emotional well-being.

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
- Edmund Hillary, Mountaineer, first to summit Mount Everest

Strategies for After the Interview

After the interview, utilize resources for further development. Read more to explore comprehensive strategies for a fruitful post-interview process.

Asking Questions and Seeking Feedback

Asking questions about the company culture and seeking feedback after the interview are crucial steps in securing the job. Asking insightful questions expresses genuine interest in the role and shows that you've done your homework.

It's an opportunity to clarify any uncertainties, gain a better understanding of what's expected, and assess if it aligns with your career goals. Seeking feedback displays a willingness to improve and grow professionally while also leaving a positive,utilise lasting impression on potential employers.

This proactive approach can help identify areas for improvement, enhance future interviews, and solidify your chances of securing the job.

Reflecting on how the interview went and taking notes can help craft thoughtful post-interview questions that demonstrate engagement with the process. 

Additionally, sending a thank-you note expressing appreciation for their time is not just courteous but also leaves room to express continued interest in the position as well as request feedback.

Reflection and Follow-Up

After the interview, it's crucial to take time for reflection. Consider what went well and what could be improved upon. Sending a thank-you note to the interviewer can leave a positive impression.

Seeking feedback is also beneficial for future interviews. 

Additionally, rewarding yourself after the interview can help decrease stress and boost confidence for future opportunities.

Rewarding Yourself

After the interview, rewarding yourself for your efforts and achievements is crucial. Celebrating milestones and progress helps boost confidence and motivation. Whether it's treating yourself to something you enjoy or simply acknowledging your hard work, taking time to recognise your accomplishments can have a positive impact on your well-being.

Acknowledging the steps you've taken and marking the completion of each stage in the job-hunting process can provide a sense of fulfilment. This may include enjoying a nice meal, indulging in a hobby or activity, or spending quality time with loved ones.

By embracing these moments of reward and recognition, you reinforce your self-worth and resilience, setting a positive tone for future endeavours.

Additional Resources for Managing Interview Anxiety

Seeking additional support and guidance when dealing with interview anxiety can be beneficial. Exploring options such as career coaching, hypnotherapy, or relaxation techniques may provide valuable assistance in managing your anxiety leading up to an interview.

Utilising a Career Coach or Therapist

If you find yourself struggling with interview anxiety, enlisting the help of a career coach or hypnotherapist can be tremendously beneficial. A career coach can provide guidance on preparing for interviews, including perfecting your elevator pitch and using power posing to exude confidence.

visualisationAdditionally, a career coach or therapist can both employ techniques such as visualization or relaxation exercises to ease nerves before and during interviews. Both professionals offer personalised support tailored towards managing job interview anxiety effectively.

By working with a career coach or therapist, individuals seeking more than just traditional talk therapy open themselves up to bespoke strategies designed to enhance their interview performance and reduce anxiety levels.

Pro Tip: Don't do it alone! Consider seeking guidance from career professionals who can provide personalized strategies to tackle interview anxiety and enhance your interview performance.

Grounding Exercises

utilisedGrounding exercises help manage anxiety during job interviews. These techniques bring focus to the present moment, reducing stress and enhancing confidence. For instance, deep breathing or mindful awareness can be utilized to centre oneself and ease nervousness.

Such practices are beneficial for maintaining composure and mental clarity in high-pressure situations.

Additionally, grounding exercises encourage individuals to feel more anchored and secure by connecting with their physical surroundings. 

Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or visualising a safe space can promote a sense of calmness, enabling candidates to showcase their best selves during interviews.

Cheat Sheets of Positive Thoughts

Creating cheat sheets of positive thoughts can be a beneficial strategy for managing interview anxiety. These cheat sheets comprise affirmations, empowering statements, and motivational quotes that job seekers can refer to before, during, and after the interview.

By reinforcing positive self-talk through these cheat sheets, individuals can boost their confidence, maintain a resilient mindset, and counteract negative thinking patterns. 

Moreover, incorporating keywords related to personal strengths and achievements in the cheat sheet allows candidates to remain focused on their qualifications and capabilities throughout the interview process.

Moving on from Cheat Sheets of Positive Thoughts will lead us to "Frequently Asked Questions About Interview Anxiety".

Frequently Asked Questions About Interview Anxiety

  • What is the percentage of job seekers who experience interview anxiety?

     -According to a JDP survey, 93% of job seekers deal with interview anxiety

  • What are the different types of interview anxiety? 

     -Researchers have identified five varieties: Appearance Anxiety, Social Anxiety, behavioural Anxiety, Performance Anxiety, and Communication Anxiety.

  • What strategies can help overcome interview anxiety?

     -Strategies include equipping individuals with strong interview skills and breaking down key points for structured communication when answering common questions.

Key takeaway: Feeling nervous before an interview is perfectly normal, so always be true to yourself to effectively manage interview jitters. While they're evaluating you, you're also evaluating them! Use the interview to ask insightful questions and assess company culture and fit. This ensures you find not just a job, but the right opportunity for you.


To sum up, conquering interview anxiety is within your reach. Practice self-care, engage in positive self-talk, and visualize success to boost confidence. Seek feedback and reflect after the interview.

Interview anxiety can be a real hurdle, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can overcome it and shine in your next interview.

Considering seeking professional guidance for a strategic edge? Services like Jobsolv offer a personalized approach that leverages data, industry insights, and expert interview preparation resources to propel your job search and interview success. Invest in yourself and take the first step towards a fulfilling career.

During your interview, remember to stay authentic, relax with deep breathing or calming music, and ask insightful questions during the process. With these strategies and options at your disposal, you can overcome interview anxiety and land that dream job!

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