Finding a job

How to Make the Decision Between Freelancing vs. Remote Jobs

Updated on
December 30, 2024
5 minutes read
Atticus Li
Hiring Manager

Table of Contents

Are you having trouble deciding between freelancing and full-time remote work? With 75% of US workers turning to freelancing in 2020 for financial stability, it’s a common quandary.

This article aims to simplify this decision for you by providing an insightful comparison of the pros and cons associated with each work style. Get ready, as this could be the game-changer in your career trajectory!

Key Takeaways

  • Remote work and freelancing have distinct differences. Remote workers have bosses, fixed pay, and job perks, while freelancers run their own businesses, find clients, and set rates per project.
  • Full — time remote jobs offer steady pay, benefits like health insurance and retirement plans, career growth opportunities, flexible work hours, no commute time wasted on travel or traffic, stability similar to traditional employment, and creative freedom.
  • Freelancing allows for being your own boss; handling your own time; choosing projects that match your skills and interests; focusing on multiple jobs at once; working from anywhere; setting project rates; avoiding office politics; learning from different clients; financial stability with 75% of US workers choosing this path in 2020 for money control. They also enjoy the choice to make their own decisions about work-life balance.

Understanding Remote Work and Freelancing

Remote work and freelancing are two distinct forms of employment.

How Remote Work and Freelancing Differ

Remote work and freelancing are not the same. Remote workers do their jobs from home but they still have bosses. They get a fixed pay each month and enjoy job perks like health insurance, paid leave, and retirement plans.

Freelancers, on the other hand, run their own businesses. They find their own clients and set their rates for each project. A freelancer’s income can be high one month and low the next because it depends on how many projects they finish.

Also, unlike remote workers, freelancers don’t usually get job perks unless they arrange them for themselves.

Pros and Cons of Remote Work

Working remotely offers numerous advantages, such as flexible work hours and increased productivity. However, it also has its drawbacks, including potential social isolation and difficulty separating work from personal life.

Read on to explore the pros and cons of remote work in more detail.

Advantages of Full-Time Remote Jobs

Full-time remote jobs bring many benefits to the table.

  • You have a steady pay. A regular salary comes in every month.
  • There are perks of being an employee. You get health insurance coverage, paid leave, and retirement planning options.
  • You can grow your career. Remote jobs often provide chances for promotion and leadership roles.
  • The work time is flexible. You choose when you want to work during the day.
  • No need to go to an office. This means no time wasted on travel or stuck in traffic.
  • Full — time remote jobs offer stability. The job security is similar to traditional employment.
  • You get creative freedom. It lets you work when you feel most inspired and productive.

Disadvantages of Full-Time Remote Jobs

Working full-time from home has its downsides too. Here are a few:

  1. You may not have sure work or pay. Full — time online jobs can lack job safety and steady money.
  2. There might be less time to do what you want. These jobs can limit when you work and what projects you do.
  3. Some benefits are not given, such as paid time off and health care.
  4. Stress might rise if you do this kind of job full — time.
  5. It could be hard to balance your life and your work.

Pros and Cons of Freelancing

Freelancing offers the benefit of flexibility and independence, but it also comes with drawbacks like financial instability. Find out more about the pros and cons of freelancing here.

Benefits of Freelancing

Freelancing offers many good things that you can’t find in regular jobs. Some benefits of freelancing include:

  1. You get to be your own boss.
  2. It lets you handle your own time.
  3. You pick the projects that match your skills and interests.
  4. It gives a chance to focus on multiple jobs at once.
  5. Freelancers work from anywhere they like.
  6. They choose how much they will earn per project.
  7. This work style helps avoid problems in office politics.
  8. You learn a lot from working with different clients.
  9. Freelancing allows for financial stability since 75% of US workers chose this path in 2020 for money control.
  10. More than half, or 60%, of freelancers love to make their own choices and decisions about their work — life balance.

Drawbacks of Freelancing

Freelancing has its drawbacks, which may include:

  1. Job insecurity: Freelancers do not have the same level of job security as full-time employees. They often have to constantly search for new clients and projects to maintain a steady income.
  2. Inconsistent income flow: Unlike traditional employment, freelancers may experience irregular or unpredictable income. Some months they may earn a lot, while in others they might struggle financially.
  3. Lack of employee benefits: Freelancers are not entitled to benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or paid leave that full-time employees typically receive.
  4. No structured career progression: Freelancers do not have the same opportunities for promotion and career growth as employees within a company. They are solely responsible for their own professional development and advancement.
  5. Managing all aspects of the business: As independent contractors, freelancers have to handle various aspects of their business themselves, including marketing, client acquisition, project management, billing, and taxes.
  6. Work-life balance challenges: Without the structure of a traditional work environment, it can be difficult for freelancers to establish boundaries between work and personal life. This can lead to longer working hours and increased stress levels.
  7. Limited professional interaction: Working independently from home can lead to social isolation and limited opportunities for professional networking and collaboration with colleagues.
  8. Potential payment disputes: Freelancers may encounter clients who delay or refuse payment for services rendered. Resolving payment disputes can be time-consuming and stressful.
  9. Self-motivation required: Freelancers need strong self-discipline and motivation to stay productive without the external accountability of a supervisor or team.
  10. Financial management responsibility: Freelancers must handle their own financial planning, including setting aside funds for taxes, retirement savings, and other business expenses.

Comparing Remote Work and Freelancing

Remote work and freelancing offer different opportunities and challenges. Read on to explore the factors that differentiate these two work options and decide which one is right for you.

Job Security and Stability

Full-time remote work offers job security and stability, providing a reliable and predictable income. Employees have the assurance of steady work, with career progression opportunities within the company.

On the other hand, freelancers may face challenges in terms of job security as they often have to constantly find new projects or clients. This can lead to an irregular flow of income and a lack of stable employment benefits.

However, contractors in the IT industry typically earn nearly 50% more than full-time employees, which can offset some of these concerns.

Flexibility and Independence

Remote work and freelancing offer individuals the opportunity to have more flexibility and independence in their careers. With remote work, you have the flexibility to set your own work hours and choose when and where you work.

This means that you can structure your day around your personal preferences, whether it’s working early in the morning or late at night. Freelancers also enjoy this level of freedom as they have the power to select projects that align with their interests and skills.

They are not tied down to a fixed schedule or location, giving them the ability to work from anywhere in the world.

Workload and Stress Levels

Remote work and freelancing both offer unique advantages when it comes to workload and stress levels. In terms of remote work, the flexibility allows individuals to manage their time more effectively, leading to potentially lower stress levels.

However, remote workers may also find themselves working longer hours without proper boundaries, which can contribute to increased workload and stress. On the other hand, freelancers have control over their workload by choosing projects that align with their preferences and abilities.

This autonomy can help reduce stress levels as they have more control over their schedule. However, freelancers may face uncertainty in terms of project availability and income stability, which can create additional pressure.

Opportunity for Personal Growth and Development

Freelancing and full-time remote work both offer opportunities for personal growth and development. As a freelancer, you have the chance to work on diverse projects in different industries, allowing you to expand your skills and gain valuable experience.

You can also take advantage of online learning platforms like SkillShare to enhance your expertise and stay updated with industry trends. On the other hand, full-time remote jobs provide opportunities for professional growth through promotion, leadership roles, mentoring, and networking within your field.

These avenues allow you to build a strong professional network and acquire new knowledge from experienced professionals. By embracing these chances for personal growth and development, you can continuously improve yourself as a freelancer or remote worker.

Making the Choice: Remote Work or Freelancing?

Consider factors such as personal motivations, marketable skills, support system, and financial stability when deciding between remote work and freelancing.

Factors to Consider

When deciding between remote work and freelancing, it’s important to consider several factors. Here are some things to think about:

  1. Job security: Remote work provides stable, reliable, and predictable income, while freelancing comes with the absence of job security and an irregular income flow.
  2. Benefits and perks: Remote work usually provides employee benefits similar to those in traditional employment, such as health insurance and retirement savings options. Freelancers have the freedom to choose their own benefits but must plan for them independently.
  3. Flexibility: Both options offer flexibility, but freelancers have more control over their work hours and location.
  4. Work experience: Remote work provides opportunities for promotion, leadership, mentoring, and networking in one’s field. Freelancers gain diverse work experience by working on various projects with different clients.
  5. Financial stability: Remote work offers a regular salary payment and structured career progression, whereas freelancers face financial uncertainty due to irregular income flow and scaling pricing challenges.
  6. Workload control: Remote workers may have less control over projects assigned to them compared to freelancers who can select projects based on personal availability and interests.

Personal Motivations and Goals

When deciding between remote work and freelancing, it’s important to consider your personal motivations and goals. For some, the motivation may be financial independence and being their own boss.

Freelancing allows you to have more control over your work schedule and projects, giving you the flexibility to pursue your passions. On the other hand, if stability and job security are your main goals, full-time remote work might be a better fit.

Remote jobs offer regular salary payments and employee benefits, providing a sense of stability in uncertain times. Ultimately, understanding your own motivations and goals will help guide you in making the choice that aligns with what you value most in your career.

Marketable Skills and Work Experience

Having marketable skills and work experience is crucial when deciding between remote work and freelancing. In both options, having valuable skills that are in demand can increase your chances of success.

Remote work usually requires specific job-related skills and expertise that employers value, such as software development, writing, or design. Employers often look for candidates with a proven track record of relevant work experience to ensure their productivity and efficiency.

On the other hand, freelancers need to demonstrate their expertise through a portfolio showcasing successful projects and client reviews.

In terms of marketability, it’s important to stay up-to-date with industry trends and continuously develop your skills through learning experiences like SkillShare or building an office library.

This will help you stay competitive in the ever-evolving job market. Additionally, networking plays a significant role in both remote work and freelancing as it allows you to connect with professionals in your field who can potentially provide referrals or new opportunities.

Support System and Financial Stability

Having a strong support system and financial stability are crucial factors to consider when deciding between remote work and freelancing. In both cases, having a supportive network of family, friends, or colleagues can provide emotional encouragement and practical assistance when facing challenges.

Financial stability is also important as it ensures a consistent income and the ability to cover expenses. While remote work offers stable income with employee benefits similar to traditional employment, freelancers face the risk of irregular income flow and lack access to benefit packages.

It’s essential to assess your financial situation and determine if you have the resources and risk appetite required for freelancing before making a decision.

Moreover, considering professional connections, market demand for skills, personal budgeting skills should also be taken into account while determining whether freelancing or remote work is more suitable for you.

Tips and Practices to Maintain a Balanced Life While Working From Home.

Working from home can blur the boundaries between work and personal life. Here are some tips to maintain a balanced life:

  1. Establish a designated workspace in your home to separate work from relaxation.
  2. Set clear boundaries with family members or roommates about your working hours and needs for uninterrupted focus.
  3. Create a daily routine that includes breaks, exercise, and time for self — care.
  4. Take advantage of technology tools to stay connected with colleagues and combat social isolation.
  5. Prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  6. Communicate openly with your employer or clients about your workload and any challenges you may face.
  7. Disconnect from work at the end of the day by turning off notifications and taking time to relax and recharge.
  • Remote workers worked approximately one week more per month than they were paid in 2020.
  • 47% of remote employees and 60% of managers felt that remote work denied them socializing and professional interaction with colleagues.


In conclusion, your choice between freelance vs. remote work is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and planning.

In the end, the choice between freelancing and full-time remote work depends on what you value most. Freelancing offers freedom and flexibility, but it comes with financial uncertainty and the need to market yourself.

Full-time remote work provides stability and benefits, but may have less control over projects and limited flexibility. Consider your personal goals, skills, support system, and financial situation before making a decision.

The decision between freelancing and full-time remote work comes with its own set of pros and cons, and making the right choice depends on your individual preferences and circumstances.

Freelancing offers flexibility and autonomy but comes with uncertainties, while full-time remote work provides stability but may come with a more structured schedule.

Navigating this choice can be challenging, but a personal headhunter can be a valuable partner in this journey. They can assess your career needs, align them with your values, goals, and aspirations, and then match you with job opportunities that fit your unique profile.

This personalized approach can significantly enhance your chances of finding a remote job that not only provides financial security but also aligns with your long-term career ambitions.

Ultimately, partnering with a professional headhunter can help you make a well-informed decision and set you on the path to remote work success.

Ultimately, finding balance in your work-life while working from home is key to success in either path.

Find further reading on this topic.

Remote Work Revolution: Pros and Cons of Working Remotely

Hot Job List in 2024: High-Paying Remote Jobs Await

Your Ultimate Guide to Landing Your First Remote Job in 2023

High Paying Remote Jobs for Professionals: Career Opportunity

Essential Skills to Learn and Must-Haves for Remote Work

About the Author

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